Below is information regarding excursion and actitivites that your child may be participating in. Please ensure you give consent by logging into your School Bytes Parent Portal to give consent before the given deadline.
- Glenhaven Parent Request For Administering Prescribed Medication To The Student (PDF540KB)
- Individual Health Care Plan (209KB)
- Application for Extended Leave - Travel (61KB)
- Bicycle Rider Safety Agreement (120KB)
All Years
- Class Dojo consent (66KB)
- Authority to publish (79KB)
- Glenhaven Oval 2024 (41KB)
- Parental Guideance Movies Years K-6 (89KB)
- K-6 Dance Program (159KB)
- K-6 Life Education - Healthy Harold (157KB)
- K-6 End of Year Concert Rehearsal (162KB)
- K-6 Presentation Day Assembly (166KB)
Years 1 and 2
Years 3 and 4
Years 5 and 6
- Years 5&6 Requirements List - 2025 (70KB)
- Year 5 Great Aussie Bush Camp - Information (129KB)
- Year 5 - Kidz Squad 'Leadership Day' (218KB)
- Year 6 - Kidz Squad 'Fun Day' (137KB)
- Years 5&6 Electrical Circuits Incursion (143KB)